Voice, Breath, Songs

EPISODE #18 How to Start Your Career by Taking Actions


Bio of the artist:

Anne Issermann is a French Singer and Actress living in Paris, Starting her career. She is now preparing to play concerts with her guitar player.

What she shares on this episode:

We often find ourselves in situations where we are stuck and unable to move forward. This happens when we have things that are unanswered. It is a struggle to organize our thoughts and be productive. We stay in this indecisive stage for too long, then end up doing nothing.

The key is to reflect and feel the things that make you uncomfortable but not overwhelming and do them. Allow yourself to step out of that comfort zone and explore new possibilities that add value to your art.

On this coaching session with Anne Issermann, Ariane answers questions that most new artists resonate with.

In this episode of the creator mindset podcast:

  • How to pick up from where you stopped and be consistent
  • Key elements to consider when planning a concert
  • Organizing your image on the internet if you have multiple facets as an artist.
  • Making a self- presentation video that represents who you are for life.

Key takeaways:

  • Put your attention on things that are at the top of your priority.
  • Give yourself deadlines and work towards them
  • When incorporating an instrument to your singing focus on one song at a time.
  • As an artist your goal is to serve your audience
  • Your set list has to build a bridge between you and your audience
  • When creating your set list, it is important to understand these three things
  1. Where I want to take my audience in terms of emotion.
  2. How I want to feel at the end of a concert.
  3. How I want my audience to feel at the end of a concert.
  • Consider what facets of you, you would like to showcase to the world.

How to connect with the guest:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anne.issermann