Voice, Breath, Songs

Episode 129: How to be Fully Present

Episode 129: How to be Fully Present

Peter and Christina have been together as partners in life, dance and business for more than 35 years. Some of their successes include Austrian Champions in ballroom dancing and representing Austria at European and World Championships. They built a successful life in London even if they only arrived with two suitcases and savings for eight weeks. Christina and Peter started a company out of their spare room and received a range of business awards during these years. They sold their company in 2015 to pursue their purpose of teaching the Avatar course.

Today in this episode, Ariane discussed with Christina the journey of finding her Avatar master, how she was able to introduce the course to her husband and kids. Plus, they delve into the topic of finding peace through the tools of Avatar.


In this episode of The Creator Mindset Podcast:
  • How did Christina go from being a ballroom dancer to an Avatar Course Master
  • The pivotal moment of Christina’s life
  • How she was introduced to the Avatar Course
  • The one exercise that made a very huge impact on Christina’s journey
  • Hear from Christina how using the Avatar tools helped them have a clear vision for their business
Key Takeaways

Create what you want to experience.

Challenges can also be great lessons.

Success is possible with the mind mastery.

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